Monday, February 17, 2014

Big old rant on what’s wrong with the world so far this week!

This is just one of those weeks – only one day in! – when it seems like I just can’t get away from the world and its insanity.

For those who are not following all the news that’s popping up in weird places, this week has just been painful for anyone who cares about women.

On Sunday, the Missoula County Attorney’s Office (Montana) turned into a whiney douchebag when they complained that the DOJ served them with a report about their deficiencies in handling sexual assault cases on a Friday at 5 p.m.  That didn’t give them any time to respond! How unfair!  But it seems that, according to their office, it was totally cool that they told the mother of a five-year-old rape victim that the teenage boy who committed the crime was only sentenced to two years of community service because “boys will be boys.”  And apparently it was totally fine that they told the DOJ that their office “investigates sexual assault in its spare time.”  Yeah, you know, when they have a few minutes not surfing Facebook or downloading midget porn or whatever.  Seriously.  Seriously!  How do we live in a world where this is happening??

Of course, that’s not the only bit of outrage out there.  In Syria, a “young girl” (age not listed) was stoned to death for…wait for it…opening a Facebook account.  According to the Sharia court that judged her, the account “demonstrated immoral behavior,” and so they imposed the punishment for adultery.  Yes.  Seriously.  Seriously!  Your outrage building yet?

Next up, some awesome attacks on feminists and feminism with some victim-blaming thrown in for good measure!  A bunch of SFF members who forgot that things they put in a public forum were, well, public, went ahead and blasted women, attacking one woman in particular.  Perhaps my favorite post was from Sean P. Fodera who stated that the woman in question was not allowed to complain about sexism because she had – GASP! – appeared in a photo that had her “legs exposed” and because she is “fond of wearing tight-fitting gowns and plunging necklines…”  I’d say stone her, but it isn’t funny in light of the fact that those judgment calls are *exactly* what get woman and girls stoned every day!  These statements are also exactly what people say after a woman gets raped – hey, she deserved it, she asked for it, she actually expected to be treated as a human being who is allowed to control her own body! The gall! The nerve!  The next thing you know, women will be expected to be treated as well as animals!
Save the dolphins! But rape and kill the women!
(Image by KFJMiller via morgueFile)
Except…the final bit of news I have to share tells us exactly what some countries think about their women and their animals.  In India, the Minister of the Environment and the Forests determined that cetaceans (which includes dolphins and whales) “should be seen as non-human persons and as such should have their own specific rights.”  What this means is that no one may “capture or confine” any of the species because the animals are “highly intelligent and sensitive.”  Wait.  Let that irony sink all the way in.  Yes, you can’t confine a dolphin, but forcing a woman (or a girl) into marriage, keeping them locked up, raping them, killing them for honor or dowry…hey, don’t bother looking at those violations!  After all, they aren’t cetaceans!  They aren’t highly intelligent and sensitive! 


If I haven’t managed to get you pissed off, you’re reading the wrong damn blog. 

Now go out there and get other people pissed off about what’s wrong with the world!

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